I have been promising this review of OvuSense for a while but I wanted
to hang on - to really put it to the test and last month it didn't disappoint.
As you may remember in Part 1 I got the monitor some months ago and was trailing it alongside BBT charting. Last month things really turned a corner with using this.
I was ill for a few days and my basal body temp went up to 37 degrees randomly right before I begin the phase just before ovulation. Temps stayed highish for a few days during this time, as I was fighting something off which never materialised ( cold for an hour, cold sore and achy bones)
I was ill for a few days and my basal body temp went up to 37 degrees randomly right before I begin the phase just before ovulation. Temps stayed highish for a few days during this time, as I was fighting something off which never materialised ( cold for an hour, cold sore and achy bones)
In my own predictions this would put me to ovulation on day
13-16, a prediction also confirmed by OvuSense to around the 5th August. I have posted the pictures below but it’s a real example of how OvuSense,
as it follows core temps, will show the real dates of ovulation in unison with
natural progesterone in the body.
Ovusense is in fact,
according to its trails 99% accurate in
detecting ovulation. As already
mentioned Ovusense uses core body temps to predict ovulation. One of the
biggest bonuses though using core temps, is that it can predict any cycle and
for women who have periods only a few time a year - this is valuable knowledge.
The other bonus is if the temps stay low, then its time to trot off to the
doctors to look at progesterone as this maybe why you aren’t getting pregnant
as levels are just too low! This is
something that Ovusense picked up with me this last cycle, as its been a pretty
stressful month with lots of things going on for me and as mentioned in
previous articles if cortisol is high i.e. stress it will actively steal
progesterone from your body!
Below is an example of my normal cycles where I have good progesterone which was also confirmed by blood tests.
As OvuSense will pick up ovulation when temps rise, it is an amazing resource for Women who are diagnosed with Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Timing is everything with trying for a baby and you get a 24-72 hour window, depending on sperm health. Also if you only ovulate 3 times in that year, you bet you are going to want to get busy having sex when you need to if you aren't cycling regularly!
I have a lot of clients who suffer from PCOS. It a condition that 1 in ten women suffer from and something I have been supporting a lot in the last 10 years. I'm pretty passionate abut this condition and I volunteer
on a Facebook Forum sponsored by Ovusense for PCOS Women that has over 6000 members. I have to say the forum is an amazing resource. The ladies who support it Laura and Lucinda who work for
OvuSense respond and support a whole raft of technical issues and also brave
emotional support and give encouragement when ever possible. Kate Davies also supports the ladies and comes from a background of nursing via her own company Your Fertility Journey. Kate has over 20 years of specialist
knowledge in Fertility and gynaecology. and support the ladies who have an Ovusense
monitor with a free consultation with her; for others a 15 mins sessions is
offered for free. OvuSense also have women so passionate about the monitor that
they give up their free time as admins to help out and support the running of
this page. The balance on the forum is great and its more of a support network
than anything else where those who have bought OvuSense can post up charts and
others ask advice on BBT charting and also diets and supplements. ( that’s
where I come in where I can!) If you have PCOS and are curious I’d say jump in
and join!
All in all out of all the monitors I have tried, for £295
you can’t go wrong with Ovusense. They also offer monthly plans to pay so its
affordable! It is in its early days as a fertility monitor and there are some
teething probs like faulty monitors now and then. But to be honest, many
monitors out there do also have these issues. It is a hefty piece of machinery
in terms of packing a punch with what it has to do daily!
In the future OvuSense may also be used as contraceptive! In
the meantime I wholeheartedly endorse it as a fertility monitor to help women
who want to get pregnant! In fact speaking of that OvuSense have had 50
pregnancies since the beginning of 2015! Pretty good going I'd say!
I have now been using it for over 6 months and
can say with some assurances I know how
it works and look forward, every morning to seeing the little blue monitor
building my picture and letting me know when I’m in my fertile window and when
I’m not!
What’s not to love about that as a woman and how amazingly empowering
is that? As a Fertility Nutritionist it makes my job easier and it helps me to
support clients where I can who use it. I look forward to the day that Ovusense
is in high street Chemists alongside other things like OPK kits and Clearblue
fertility monitors, leading the way and giving modern women one less thing to worry about in
terms of their fertility!
Disclaimer: OvuSense gave me
a fertility monitor for the purpose of this review