Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Feeling overwhelmed about the whole fertility journey?

Hello everyone

I had a great weekend at the Fertility Show in London on the 2nd and 3rd of November. I blogged about it last week. As you know I was exhibiting with the Natural Fertility Expert team, who I've mentioned on a few occasions here. In between people coming and talking to us as a team we had the chance to chat  which is always a good thing to do, as it helps us to move in the right direction. Sarah Holland who works alongside Andrew, Clare and myself giving support to couples from an emotional side, turned to me and said..

‘..Angela there is so much here for people, it must be so overwhelming for them’ and she was right. Over the course of the day and the next although we saw many  positive, motivated women and couples visit our stand, we also saw many overwhelmed and confused people.

Sarah is fab, as she is always looking to help people on their fertility journey and as she provides the emotional support for Natural Fertility Expert always get to the heart of the emotional issues that could be impacting negatively on peoples fertility journey. It’s not surprising in the short time since the Fertility show Sarah  galvanised some of these thoughts into action and decided to put a seminar together to specifically help people with the sheer volume of information that is out there around fertility.

‘End Overwhelm and Take Positive Steps Forward on your Fertility Journey NOW!’ will be held on Thursday 14th November at 8pm

This seminar is free to attend and easy to listen in to online from home.  Sarah will share real techniques to help the listeners overcome overwhelm, make good decisions, and move positively forward on their fertility journeys.  This seminar will make it easier for you to look at those brochures, make appointments and make good decisions to boost your fertility.  It could help you decide which clinics and practitioners to work with also.
It is completely free of charge and there will be nothing promoted or sold to you during the seminar – just support and techniques to help you to overcome stress and overwhelm, and feel positive on your fertility journey delivered by Sarah!

As I believe so strongly in this message and what Sarah does as part of the team, I thought it might resonate with many people out there who feel that the sheer amount of useful fertility information makes it difficult to know where to start.
If you want to sign up to this visit Sarah Holland’s page

With love

Angela x

Friday, November 8, 2013

Natural Fertility Expert - The Fertility Show and FQT 7th November

Hello lovely people. I’m a really happy girl today. I’m still buzzing from being at the Fertility Show with the whole team at:  last weekend on the 2nd and 3rd November in London. We had such an amazing turnout and managed to speak to over 300 people. A few of the people I spoke to had some really amazing stories of overcoming their fertility issues and going on to have the family they dreamed about. There were also lots of sad stories about loss and picking yourself up after years of trying and failed IVF attempts.
Andrew Loosely and Clare Blake did a fabulous talk on Sunday together with Michael Dooley a conventional medical practitioner about ‘ complementary therapies – can they boost your fertility’ There were over 200 people in the audience and lots of really interesting questions both on Chinese herbs and fertility massage.

Last night we all talked at the regular slot on Fertility Question time:  what should have been a 2 hour session turned into a 3 hour session, as we all got very passionate about our displines and Andrew gave away an amazing offer. If you haven’t listened yet, sign up and you will be added to the replay list, where you will also get access to the past 4 talks. 

Whilst writing this article I checked in on my emails, and had some great news, a lady who has been working with us for just under 3 months is now pregnant and I will be supporting her with the first trimester plan as a pose to the conception plan now!
I love my job!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fertility Question Time ~ 7th November 2013 8pm UK time

I have neglected my blog as of late, as I have been sooo busy. No excuses I know, but from late August I had a rush of interest from Fertile Ground Nutrition, I went on holiday to Indonesia and Singapore for 2 weeks! Hooray!  And I have been taking part in a few online talks and working really closely with the team from the Natural Fertility Expert.

I have been working with Natural Fertility Expert for nearly 3 years now. I love it! NFE is owned and managed by my very old friend Andrew Loosely, who I have known since I was 13 when we both lived in Hong-Kong. Andrew has really supported me in building my presence in the fertility world, and also happens to be brilliant at his job as a Chinese Fertility Herbal specialist ! (he’s not Chinese, but you know what I mean!) Up until around 18 months ago, it was a smaller team, but we now have a few new fab team members, which has been very exciting for me as they are ladies!! I was brought in to work with Andrew a few years ago as part of his vision to provide a plethora of fertility support. He is now continuing this theme by expanding the team to ensure the best package for client’s needs, to cover all aspects of fertility!

The new team members…

Sarah Holland provides the emotional support to clients – a much needed area if you have been suffering from fertility issues for a while. She is an expert EFT practioner also fab and has a voice like treacle and does wonders to your mindset in terms of overcoming blockages!  (I speak from experience here!)

Clare joined the team recently as a world expert in Fertility Massage, is equally fabulous, and as well as providing this service to clients, also manages to spread the love by teaching students this amazing technique .

If you have time I would listen to some past online events with the links provided to see how passionate we are about our areas of interest!

Last but not least the amazing Peter who keeps us on in line by arranging almost everything Natural Fertility Expert needs to help support clients in their journey.  (Peter is not new but I didn't want to not mention him!)


Since the last post, where I gave you an update on my story I’ve been busy supporting new clients with some really tricky fertility issues such as MTHFR and factor V leiden ( which I wrote about in previous blogs). I was also supporting a client through Natural Fertility Expert who was pregnant with Twins. The good news is since I last updated, the lady carrying twins at 49 has now delivered a beautiful girl and boy a little earlier than expected but both are doing fine!

Fertility Question Time – join our next session on 7th November UK time 8pm

This is a really short blog compared to my usual lengthy updates and its mainly to give you an update and time to sign up to a fabulous free online talk on fertility with the whole team at Natural Fertility Expert…

I’m really excited about this, as Andrew Loosely will be giving away some amazing offers as part of this, so its well worth signing up to! Our online discussion will take place and is part of the regular monthly online ‘Fertility Question Time!

What is FQT?

Fertility Question Time is a FREE online event hosted by Andrew Loosely, the founder of Natural Fertility Expert and The Baby Creating Plan.

Andrew regularly invites expert fertility guest speakers from around the world to discuss how to use natural methods to optimise your fertility health, and increase your chances of having a baby.

 Next Event: 7th November 2013, 8pm UK time
Clockwise from top left: Andrew Loosely, Sarah Holland, Clare Blake and Me!


How to Get Pregnant Naturally and with IVF

The 4 best treatments to use to prepare for natural and IVF conception and pregnancy

Speakers: Andrew Loosely - Chinese Fertility Medicine Expert

Sarah Holland - Fertility EFT Expert

Angela Heap - Fertility Nutrition Expert

Clare Blake - Fertility Massage Expert

 Registration is easy:

And you will receive login details to attend the event and reminders before the event goes live.

I will also be supporting Andrew and the team at the London Fertility Show on the 2nd and 3rd of November. If you are coming or have a free weekend and live in the UK, feel free to come and talk to us. We will be on Stand 21.
Both Clare and Andrew will be presenting, so don't miss it!

Photos to follow in the next blog!

Lots of love

Angela Heap

Fertility Nutritionist

Twitter: @angeheap